¿Cómo elegir el material del lavabo del baño?

¿Cómo elegir el material del lavabo del baño?

16 de marzo de 2023

El material del lavabo del baño

Let's introduce the materials of various basins. The first is the ceramic basin. Yots advantage is that it is smooth and easy to take care of, and it is not easy to leave dirt on the surface. The disadvantage is that you can't customize the shape, only a fixed shape is available. When purchasing, pay attention to whether the glaze is smooth and not stained. From a practical point of view, it is recommended to choose a larger and deeper basin. Although the small and shallow basin looks good, it is easy to splash water out when it is actually used. Compared to appearance, Yo personally value practicality more. For most families, the large and deep ceramic undercounter basin is relatively practical and the most cost-effective one.
El segundo es el lavabo de piedra artificial. La mayor ventaja del lavabo de piedra artificial es que se puede moldear arbitrariamente. Muchas formas especiales solo se pueden realizar con piedra artificial. El lavabo de piedra artificial no solo se puede cambiar de forma, sino que también se puede hacer de color. Trucos. Los lavabos de piedra artificial se dividen en dos tipos: mate y brillante. Un problema del mate es que es fácil de sangrar. Si el lavabo se mancha accidentalmente, la parte manchada se puede pulir con papel de lija. El lavabo artificial brillante tiene una capa de esmalte en la superficie del lavabo, por lo que no es fácil de sangrar. La piedra artificial con una superficie brillante no debe limpiarse con bolas de alambre de acero o estropajos, ni debe golpearse o frotarse con objetos duros para evitar daños en el esmalte de la superficie.
Finally, let's introduce the basin made of rock slabs. For the minimalist style, the rock slab integrated basin has a good shape and texture. Compared with the artificial stone integrated basin, the hardness and density of the rock slab are higher, so there is no need to worry about bleeding. The disadvantage of rock slabs is that they can only be shaped at right angles. Compared to arcs, it is easier to accumulate dirt at the corners. Yon addition, Yo would like to remind everyone that the rock and slab integrated basin is not truly integrated. Each side of it is glued together. Yof the manufacturer's craftsmanship is not enough, the glue may crack and leak. Therefore, if you want to choose a rock-slab integrated basin, you must choose a reliable merchant.